Answered on: March 8, 2019


Where is Dollar rent a car at Kona Airport Hawaii?


When you make a booking you will receive an email with all the contact details of the car hire supplier and the location.


Yes, I received the voucher. But the address is different from the phone number.


The telephone number and location may not match as the telephone number could be a central support number please follow the address in the voucher. What is your bookings reference number?


US526112920390. I booked at Kona Airport in Hawaii. But in Google maps and Dollar website, the Dollar office is located outside of Kona airport.


Kona airport is very small and the desk is at the airport terminal. It does not matter what Google Maps say, it's not really accurate. Follow the instructions on the email confirmation voucher you will find the desk at the airport


What does this say:- 픽업 유형:터미널 대여 카운터 및 픽업


In Airport terminal.


Then that is your answer, the car rental desk is there.